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Taking It Easy: 10 Self Care Activities That Don’t Involve a Screen – by Rohan Sahni

What does a typical self-care day entail for you? Perhaps a day spent in bed binge-watching your favorite show while eating a tub of ice cream. When you spend the majority of your time in front of a screen, as most of us do, self-care days away from the screen are necessary. So, here are some ideas for giving yourself the perfect self-care day.

  1. Take a shower: A cold shower or a warm bath, depending on what you feel up to, is always the best self-care tip. A good shower or bath will leave you feeling cleansed and refreshed and offer the best way to reset.
  2. Take yourself out to eat: What better way to do a self-care day than to treat yourself to your favorite food! Take yourself out for a meal, visit your favorite restaurant, treat yourself to your favorite cuisine. If you’re away from home, get something that feels like home.
  3. Make art: Have you always wanted to paint or learn how to crochet? Well, start! A good way to unwind is to explore your creative side – you don’t have to be good at art to make it. Indulge yourself in the potential of your creative mind and make some art.
  4. Journal: Journaling can present an amazing opportunity to pause and ponder, to go deeper into your own thoughts. It’s also a place for you to discuss what excites, interests, or scares you, getting it out of your thoughts and onto writing. Writing with pen on paper can feel so intentional, purposeful, and there are numerous advantages to it, which makes it the perfect self-care activity.
  5. Make a list: Making lists is both fun and helpful. You could perhaps make a gratitude list and write about the five things that you are grateful for or make a list of your goals. If you want something more lighthearted you can also just write a grocery list or a list of places you wish to explore.
  6. Clean your closet: Remember that time when everyone was Marie Kondo-ing their homes and throwing out everything that did not bring them joy? Cleaning can actually be an extremely therapeutic activity and help you feel decluttered and be a great form of self care. 
  7. Dance: What better way to care for yourself than to dance like nobody’s watching? Dancing allows you to express yourself both creatively, physically, and emotionally and can be a great way to unwind.
  8. Get lunch with a friend: Maybe you have been meaning to get together with a friend but have been pushing it off because you haven’t found the time. As a self-care activity, you could reconnect with your friend and catch up with them. 
  9. Read a book: Cuddling up in your favorite spot with a good book can be an extremely effective way to calm your nerves, gather yourself, and relax.
  10. Take a nap: We are so caught up with being productive all the time, we forget to value rest. So, maybe for your next self-care activity, you can simply rest! Take a nap, re-energize yourself, and allow yourself the time and space to take a step back to simply rest. 

With these self-care activities, you should be able to rejuvenate yourself away from the screen. Try them!

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